Teaching kids success skills for life!
Kids can start as young as 3-years old in the Little Ninja class where “Kids Safe” techniques are learned and stressed. Our children’s classes are great outlets for aggression. Our workouts improve concentration and children’s attention spans. Rules are enforced to instill good
behavior so the kids begin to make better choices, which helps not only at home, but also more importantly in academic studies. Schools, teachers, medical doctors, and parents have recommended our school to help give kids focus and a positive direction for all of their extra energy.
Tae Kwon Do teaches your child valuable character traits such as…
Courtesy. Respect. Cooperation. Commitment. Perseverance. The journey to Black Belt will challenge them to set and achieve goals while their self esteem and self confidence grow.
Parents and teachers notice the positive effect learning Tae Kwon Do has on a students success in school, like becoming more efficient at homework and gaining a longer attention span for learning any topic.
PTKO training is great for children. Our classes are fun, exciting and motivating. Through
moving up in the belt system, kids build self-esteem and begin to feel better about themselves
as they achieve their goals.
Our programs teach practical and proven self-defense techniques. Kids, teenagers and adults
alike are taught that what they learn in class should not be tried on their families or others.
Through practicing self-defense, we teach to resolve conflicts by using minds instead of
physical aggression.
Psychologists’ studies have found better self-esteem and discipline among children whose training in the martial arts started at an early age. That is why millions of parents are using martial arts to help in the education of their children.
At PTKO, we teach children and teenagers discipline. Our trained staff is very patient and they love working with kids, but they are very clear on setting limits. With positive encouragement and careful correction, we lead by example. The PTKO Star System is a great way to recognize excellence in conduct and special awards in academics for the junior students.