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Catherine Duplessis


Karate started for me back in the 6th grade at Lake Olympia,

when Douglas called me one morning to say mom, they are

offering karate here at Lake Olympia and I would really like to try

out.  I told him ok, find out what the requirements are and I

would sign him up.  I have always been fascinated with karate

movies, and remembered when I first came to this county,

Saturday mornings were spend watching karate and western

movies.  I decided to try karate, but quickly find myself giving up

because I could not bring myself to take direction from my

children, whom I was reminded on several occasion was my

instructors and not my children at the moment. I decided again to

give karate another go around, and quickly learned that I had to

adhere to the directions of others, because  there were now

higher ranked belts that I had to take directions from.  Karate is

my passion, from competition to just being there to support my

team.  Karate has taught me a lot about myself,  before karate,

my temper had the best of me.  The things that I use to let bother

me, seems so little now.  The person that I was then, is not the

same person earning this belt.  Martial art means a lot to me, and

I am so thankful to everyone who has taught me and  help me to



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